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Learning French

French is the official language of France, but also of many other countries in Europe and Africa, and in Québec... join us at GoldenCollar Paris to perfect your French language skills!

Our French classes (Français Langue Etrangère) offer small class sizes, allowing a highly personalized programme and one-on-one attention, taught by expert native teachers, experienced professionals in the field of teaching French as a foreign language.

Foreign students need good language skills in order to derive full benefit from their training. The GoldenCollar Institute proposes an innovative solution for international students who do speak French but do not feel ready to attend classes and pass their exams in this language, in the form of preparatory classes combining French as a Foreign Language with specialized courses. Students acquire both the vocabulary and the knowledge needed in the world of economics, management and trade. This is a one-year course that can be followed by a degree program.